In this video I talk about some of the common causes of back pain, including things we do in everyday life to get upper back pain and lower back pain. This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the causes, but 5 common ones. Leave a comment below if you found it useful.
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Here’s a summary of these back causes:
Slouching when texting on the phone or reading a book is one of the most common causes for back and neck pain. This can lead to:
- Forward head and rounded shoulders posture
- Tight chest muscles
- Tight chest muscles
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Stiff and tight neck
- Shoulder tightness
- Bulging and Herniated discs
A very common thing people do is round their spines when bending down or picking things up. This can lead to:
- Pulled muscles in the low back
- General low back pain
- Bulging and herniated discs
- Sciatica pain
Arching the low back when picking things is also very common thing that can lead to terrible back pain and poor posture.
- Anterior pelvic tilt/Hyperlordosis
- General low back pain
- Pulled muscle in the low back
- Low back muscle tightness
Anterior Pelvic Tilt Exercises
Excessive overhead work like nailing something or carrying things overhead can lead to many issues including:
- Upper back and neck pain
- Shoulder tightness and pain
- Shoulder blade pain
- Pull Muscles/spasms
- Shoulder impingement
- Slow back pain
Excessive sitting, especially in poor posture can lead to many postural dysfunctions and issues including:
- Forward head and rounded shoulders posture
- Spine compression
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle tightness in back and neck
- Low back pain
Ease your Low back pain, gain mobility and get back to the things you enjoy doing.
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Sitting Posture tips at a desk
Obviously, there are many other causes for back pain, but these 5 are common ones that almost all of us are guilty of at one point or another.
Back pain from sitting – Causes & Treatment
How to sleep with low back pain
Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM-CES), Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), Professional Dancer
As a long time back sufferer Leon found unique methods to alleviate his pain using natural methods including self massage, exercise/stretching and postural habits. He founded Backintelligence.com to empower others to fix their postures and ease their back pain from home.