You may have heard that you need to train your abs and core muscles. It’s true… But the question is are crunches and sit ups bad for your back?
Many trainers and doctors recommend them, but are they good or bad for your spine and back pain? Watch the video below to find out my take on it:
If you have any questions, leave them below!
How to strengthen your low back and core
The glute bridge exercise
Exercises to improve your posture
Cobra Pose for beginners
Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM-CES), Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT), Professional Dancer
As a long time back sufferer Leon found unique methods to alleviate his pain using natural methods including self massage, exercise/stretching and postural habits. He founded Backintelligence.com to empower others to fix their postures and ease their back pain from home.